What are books for a beautiful world?

As 2017 draws to a close, it seems fair to say the world is a messed up place. This is not new by any means, although I have been feeling it a bit more acutely this year. It is hard to avoid it anytime I watch the news or check out my social media feeds.

However, the world is also a beautiful place. This year, I have seen people show empathy for each other. They have stood up for the rights of themselves and others. They have raised their voices in defense of others. This courage and kindness makes the world a more beautiful place, even in the face of fear and frustration.

That brings me to the purpose of this blog. To create a beautiful world, teachers and parents need to help our children learn to be kind and courageous. A daunting task to be sure, but not an impossible one. A good first step is provide students with good books and stories. Stories can teach us how to stand up against impossible odds. Stories can teach us why we should care about each other. Stories can teach us about people who are different and to value these differences. They can also reinforce our own identities, particularly when we feel out of place. Stories can make a world of difference.

In this blog, I will review books that can help create a beautiful world. The blog will feature books that teach lessons about courage and kindness. It will discuss books that talk about human rights and how they can be defended. In keeping with the We Need Diverse Books movement, it will also focus on books with diverse characters, particuarly LGBTQ characters and Indigenous characters. With these reviews, I hope that teachers can determine what books will be useful and what books need to be in the hands of their students.

Stay tuned for great reviews coming soon.

Photo by Laura Kapfer / Unsplash